To create an action space for weaving friendships through a culture of peace and human dignity, fostering sustainable peace and reconciliation within society.
Utilizing conflict transformation approach to restore friendships, peace and reconciliation in society, alongside process-work psychology and the concept of three layers of reality, as methodologies to foster and promote the creation of interfaith buddies amid prolonged and violent conflicts , in Thailand’s southern border provinces.
The resurgence of violence in Thailand’s southern border provinces in 2004 created a deep and significant division between Buddhists and Muslims, marked by targeted killings of Buddhist monks. This situation greatly weakened the once-strong bonds between the main cultural groups in the region, the Malay Muslims and the Thai Buddhists, making them fragile and at risk of further separation.
Starting in 2011, Padtheera Narkurairattana began her work on weaving relationships between religious leaders including Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians in the southern border areas. The Interfaith Buddy for Peace project can be considered as a continuation of the work initiated by individuals such as Assistant Professor Dr. Parichart Suwanbubpha, a renowned scholar in interfaith relations. Inspired by Parichart, after graduating PhD in 2013, Padtheera decided to work at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. She helped Dr.Partichart to establish the Weaving Peace Together (WPT) Group and co-founded the “Women of Faith for Peace” group in late 2014, which solidified interfaith relations through the project “Dialogue of Buddhist Administrative Monks-Islamic Leaders.” Before Parichart left us forever…
Assistant Professor Dr. Parichart Suwanbubpha (far right) during an activity to build connections between people of different religions in the deep southern provinces.
Furthermore, the Interfaith Buddy for Peace project is a continuation of the dedication of Venerable Phra Kru Prachoti Rattananupab (Sawang) (the abbot of Wat Rattananupap in Narathiwat province), a role model and colleague revered by both Buddhists and Muslims. Sadly, he passed away prematurely in early 2019 due to an unexpected assassination.
Another significant figure is the imam Yacob Raimanee, the imam of the Central Mosque of Pattani Province, who was committed to working with Buddhists in the area despite disapproval from many Muslim groups. Padtheera had worked with him since 2010 until his assassination in 2013.

Phra Kru Prachoti Rattananupab
(The abbot of Wat Rattananupap in Narathiwat)

Imam Yacob Raimanee
(the Imam of the Central Mosque in Pattani Province)
Inspired by such exemplary colleagues, Padtheera remained determined to continue the work of building peace through religious dimensions that his colleagues had laid the groundwork for.
Therefore, Padtheera proceeded with further research on “The Role of Religious Leaders in Peacebuilding” (Padtheera, 2020), using the framework of “Interfaith Buddy for Peace” and “Health as a Bridge to Peace.” The research found that religious leaders are crucial in holding the social fabric together in the southern border provinces. Thus, Padtheera expanded her field research on ” Interfaith Buddy for Peace: Leaders Weaving Peace and Reconciliation in Thai Society” during 2020-2021, supported by Mahidol University’s “Social Guidance Policy” plan, in collaboration with Dr. Chanchai Chaisukkosol, Kumuhammad nur Kunoh and Charita Prasithima with Professor Dr. Chaiwat Satha-Anand and Associate Professor Dr. Gothom Arya, former members of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC), and Associate Professor Dr. Sompop Prathanturarug, chairman of the treasurer, as advisors.

Asst.Prof.Dr.Padtheera Narkurairattana

Chanchai Chaisukkosol, PhD.

Charita Prasittihima

Kumuhammad nur Kunoh

Prof.Dr.Chaiwat Satha-Anand

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Gothom Arya